
watching weeks

We know how important it is to see how your child is getting along in their gymnastics, trampolining and parkour classes with us.

Not only will it allow you an insight into what they get up to in class but you will able to see the enjoyment that they get out of classes. It will also give you an opportunity to get a look at the other classes that we run!

Watching Weeks


Our classes will run as they usually do but we will be handing our Star of The Term Medals as well as Proficiency Awards that have been passed in recent weeks.

The dates for our next watching weeks are:

Tadworth Leisure Center

Monday 15th July - Saturday 20th July

Meath Green Junior School

Thursday 18th July

Rosebery School

Sunday 21st July - Saturday 27th July

More information will be posted in due course.

Watching Week 'Rules'

Got questions? Get in touch with us


No photography or video to be taken

We kindly ask that no photos or videos (even of your own child) are taken during your child’s sessions. We have a number of vulnerable and protected children who partake in our classes and it is our responsibility to offer them a safe environment to enjoy their classes. We also have children who do not have photo consent and so have to respect the wishes of their parents and guardians.


No food or drink

We kindly ask that no food or drink is consumed during the watching weeks, especially on the Balcony at Rosebery School. In previous years, after watching week we have found the Balcony to be covered with rubbish and food mess and as there is equipment belonging to Rosebery School in this area we need to keep it clean and be respectful of the school’s equipment.

We would also ask you to respect this rule at Tadworth Leisure Centre and Meath Green.


No younger siblings

We kindly ask that no younger siblings (babes in arms are fine but we can’t allow buggies or strollers into the gym or onto the balcony) are brought along to the watching weeks. In previous years, after watching week we have found damage to equipment that belongs to Rosebery School and we have had to cover the costs for repairs and replacements. We do understand that children don’t always understand that they can’t touch and play with these items but we have to be respectful of the school’s property.

We would also ask that you respect this at Meath Green and Tadworth Leisure Centre as it will cause disruption to the classes and the facility.


Maximum of 2 persons spectating per gymnast

There is limited space at our venues for viewing, so we kindly ask you keep it to a maximum of 2 spectators per gymnast.


Standing room only

At Rosebery there will be no seating on the balcony during the watching week. At Tadworth and Meath Green, there maybe limited seating.


Normal Drop-Off and Collection Procedures to be followed

At Rosebery, we will ask that you drop your child off at the normal drop-off point and collect them from the normal collection point. Children will enter through the 2nd door and parents to enter via the 1st entrance door (there will be a sign on the door). Turn immediately to the right, stairs leading to the balcony. There will be no access to the gym, changing rooms or toilets. This is for safeguarding reasons.

At Tadworth, we will ask that you drop your child off at the normal drop-off point and collect them from the normal collection point. To view the class, please make your way to the viewing area.

At Meath Green, you will be invited to the class.


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