Upcoming Events

Welcome to our events page where you can find out more about upcoming events and competitions.






Current Competitions

Competition Details

Competitions are organised based on your child’s level and age category. Please ensure you sign up for competitions that are suitable for your child’s current level, as recommended by their coach. This ensures they compete in events that are appropriate for their skills and development.

Clothing Requirements

To maintain uniformity and professionalism, all gymnasts must wear the following:

  • Leotard: Club leotard (required).
  • Warm-Up Attire: Club tracksuit or jacket (optional but encouraged for comfort during waiting periods).
  • Hair: Securely tied back, preferably in a bun, with no loose strands. Hair accessories should be minimal and match the club colours, if possible.
  • No Jewellery: For safety reasons, jewellery is strictly prohibited during competitions.

Sign-Up Instructions

To help us streamline the competition experience:

  1. Check with Your Coach: Confirm with your child’s coach which competitions they should attend. Each competition is tailored to specific levels, so it’s important not to overbook.
  2. Register on Time: Follow the provided sign-up process and meet all deadlines to secure your child’s spot.
  3. Review Event Details: Ensure you understand the competition’s location, start times, and any additional requirements.

Supporting Your Gymnast

Competitions can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for young gymnasts. Encourage your child to do their best and focus on having fun while gaining valuable experience.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in making these competitions a positive and memorable experience for all our gymnasts. If you have any questions or need guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your coach or the club staff.







4 - 10

Friday 4th April to Thursday 10th April 

Monday 14th July to Sunday 20th July 

Monday 20th October to Sunday 26th October 2025


7 - 17

Easter Camps Booking

Easter Camp Dates

Gymnastics Camps:

Monday 7th April to Friday 11th April

Monday 14th April to Thursday 17th April

Parkour Camp

Monday 7th April

Tuesday 8th April

Thursday 10th April

Friday 11th April

Monday 14th April

Tuesday 15th April

Thursday 17th April

Academy Camps

Wednesday 9th April

Friday 11th April

Wednesday 16th April

Thursday 17th April

Non-members & members welcome

10% sibling discount

All Camps 9:00 - 4:00pm

Camps are open to members & non-members 4+ (must be able to independently take themselves to the toilet)

All children attending will need to be provided with a NUT FREE lunch & snacks, as well as water for throughout the day.

If you'd like to use your hours accrued from lockdown / missed classes please email info@startasticgymnastics.com with how many hours you'd like to use to receive your coupon code. Coupons must not be shared with anyone.

If you are registering more than 1 child for camp using coupon codes, please register them in separate transactions otherwise coupon codes will not work.

Camp registration will close the Thursday before camp begins (except for Friday camps which will close on the Tuesday before camp). We will not accept any registrations after this. There is limited space for each of our camp sessions, please ensure you register quickly as our camp session frequently sell out.

We now offer self cancellation up to 7 days before your camp day, you can cancel a camp booking by clicking 'Manage your online account' in your confirmation email Please note, all self cancellations will incur a 10% fee deducted from your refund.

Athletes will rotate around a variety of equipment throughout the session. NO FOOD IS PROVIDED AT CAMP - please provide your child/children with enough food and drink to last them the day/session. We will be having snack breaks in both sessions. NO NUTS.






Limetree Primary School Gymnastics  Year 1 to Year 6

Limetree Primary School Gymnastics  Year 1 to Year 6

Time and Day : Fridays 3.15pm-4.15pm

Term Starts: Friday 25th April

Term Ends: Friday 4th July

No classes on Friday 30th May

Price: £74.25

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-lime-tree-primary-mixed-gymnastics






Reigate Priory Junior School - Monday Tumbling Class

Reigate Priory Junior School - Monday Tumbling Class

Time and Day : Monday 3.30pm-4.45pm

Term Starts: Monday 28th April

Term Ends: Monday 23rd June  

No classes on Monday 5th May and Monday 26th May

Price: £61.60

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-reigate-priory-general-gymnastics-tumbling-monday






St Clement Catholic Primary School Junior Gymnastics Class

St Clement Catholic Primary School Junior Gymnastics Class

Time and Day: Mondays 4.30pm-5.45pm 

Term Starts: Monday 28th April

Term Ends: Monday 14th July

No class on Monday 5th May and Monday 26th May.

Price: £88 for 10 weeks

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-st-clements-junior-gymnastics







Meath Green School - Floor, Vault and Trampette Class

Meath Green Infant School - Floor, Vault and Trampette Class

Time and Day: Mondays 4.30pm-5.30m  

Term Starts: Monday 28th April 

Term Ends: Monday 14th July

No class on Monday 5th May (Bank Holiday) and Monday 26th May (Half Term), Monday 23rd June (Inset) and Monday 7th July (School Disco)

Price: £66 for 8 weeks

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-meath-green-floor-vault-trampette-class






Meath Green Junior School Gymnastics Class

Meath Green Junior School Gymnastics Class

Time and Day: Mondays 3.20pm-4.30pm 

Term Starts: Monday 28th April 

Term Ends: Monday 14th July

No class on Monday 5th May (Bank Holiday) and Monday 26th May (Half Term), Monday 23rd June (Inset) and Monday 7th July (School Disco)

Price: £68.24 for 8 weeks

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-meath-green-juniors-general-gymnastics






St Clement Catholic Primary School Infant Gymnastics Class

St Clement Catholic Primary School Infant Gymnastics Class

Time and Day: Mondays 3.25pm-4.25pm

Term Starts: Monday 28th April

Term Ends: Monday 14th July

No class on Monday 5th May and Monday 26th May.

Price: £82.50 for 10 weeks

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-st-clements-infant-gymnastics






Danetree Primary School Gymnastics - Year 3 to Year 6

Danetree Primary School Gymnastics  Year 3 to Year 6

Time and Day : Fridays 3.15pm-4.15pm

Term Starts: Friday 25th April

Term Ends: Friday 18th July

No classes on Friday 30th May

Price: £90.75

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-yr3-to-yr6-general-gymnastics-danetree-primary-school






Danetree Primary School - Powerhouse Parkour Reception to Year 2

Danetree Primary School Powerhouse Parkour Reception to Year 2

Time and Day : Tuesdays 3.15pm-4.15pm

Term Starts: Tuesday 29th April

Term Ends: Tuesday 15th July

No classes on Tuesday 27th May

Price: £90.75

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-danetree-parkour-for-years-reception-year-2






Meath Green Infant School

Meath Green Infant School

Time and Day : Tuesdays 7.50am-8.35am

Term Starts: Tuesday 29th April

Term Ends: Tuesday 15th July

No classes on Tuesday 27th May and Tuesday 2nd June

Price: £74.30

Booking Link https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-meath-green-infant-school-mixed-gymnastics






Danetree Primary School - Reception to Year 2

Danetree Primary School Gymnastics  Reception to Year 2

Time and Day : Fridays 3.15pm-4.15pm

Term Starts: Friday 25th April

Term Ends: Friday 18th July

No classes on Friday 30th May

Price: £90.75

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-reception-to-yr2-general-gymnastics-danetree-primary-school






Reigate Priory Junior School - Wednesday Tumbling Class

Reigate Priory Junior School - Wednesday Tumbling Class

Time and Day : Wednesday 3.30pm-4.25pm

Term Starts: Wednesday 30th April

Term Ends: Wednesday 25th June  

No classes on Friday 30th May

Price: £70.40

Booking Link: https://app.classmanager.com/portal/star-tastic-gymnastics/enrolment/classes/summer-term-2025-reigate-priory-general-gymnastics-tumbling-wednesday


14 - 20

Friday 4th April to Thursday 10th April 

Monday 14th July to Sunday 20th July 

Monday 20th October to Sunday 26th October 2025






Summer Camps Booking

Summer Camps

Week 1 - Monday 28th July - Friday 1st August

Week 2 - Monday 4th August - Friday 8th August

Week 3 - Monday 11th August to Friday 15th August

Week 4 - Monday 18th August to Friday 22nd August

Week 5. - Tuesday 26th August to Friday 29th August

Non-members & members welcome

10% sibling discount

All Camps 9:00 - 4:00pm

Camps are open to members & non-members 4+ (must be able to independently take themselves to the toilet)

All children attending will need to be provided with a NUT FREE lunch & snacks, as well as water for throughout the day.

If you'd like to use your hours accrued from lockdown / missed classes please email info@startasticgymnastics.com with how many hours you'd like to use to receive your coupon code. Coupons must not be shared with anyone.

If you are registering more than 1 child for camp using coupon codes, please register them in separate transactions otherwise coupon codes will not work.

Camp registration will close the Thursday before camp begins (except for Friday camps which will close on the Tuesday before camp). We will not accept any registrations after this. There is limited space for each of our camp sessions, please ensure you register quickly as our camp session frequently sell out.

We now offer self cancellation up to 7 days before your camp day, you can cancel a camp booking by clicking 'Manage your online account' in your confirmation email Please note, all self cancellations will incur a 10% fee deducted from your refund.

Athletes will rotate around a variety of equipment throughout the session. NO FOOD IS PROVIDED AT CAMP - please provide your child/children with enough food and drink to last them the day/session. We will be having snack breaks in both sessions. NO NUTS.


20 - 26

Friday 4th April to Thursday 10th April 

Monday 14th July to Sunday 20th July 

Monday 20th October to Sunday 26th October 2025


Leap into the Star-Tastic Experience

See the transformative power of gymnastics as your child grows, learns, and thrives in a supportive and energetic environment.

Book your trial today!

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